How do you know when an adult is choking?
Ask, "Are you Choking"? If they say yes, tell them you are going to help them.
How do you remove the obstruction?
REMEMBER: Check the mouth for the object after each set of compressions. If you can remove the object safely, do so. NEVER do a blind finger sweep!
How do you know when a child is choking?
Ask, "Are you Choking"? If they say yes, tell them you are going to help them.
How do you remove the obstruction?
REMEMBER: Check the mouth for the object after each set of compressions. If you can remove the object safely, do so. NEVER do a blind finger sweep!
1. How do you know when an infant is choking?
2. How do you remove the obstruction?
REPEAT the 5 backslaps and 5 chest thrust until the object comes out or the infant becomes unresponsive. If the infant becomes unresponsive, call for help and IMMEDIATELY start CPR using a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths (30:2)
REMEMBER: Check the mouth for the object after each set of compressions. If you can remove the object safely, do so. NEVER do a blind finger sweep!