Q. Is the certification with American Heart Association?
A. Yes!
Q. How long does the certification last?
A. Two years.
Q. What course is for healthcare professionals( nurses, doctors, EMT's, etc.)?
A. BLS Provider
Q. Who can take the Heartsaver Course?
A. Daycare providers, personal trainers, babysitters, nannies, Girl Scouts, etc...anyone who is
not a healthcare professional.
Q. Do I need to purchase a book?
A. If you are attending an instructor led BLS Provider Course, The American Heart
Association requires students to have access to the course materials before, during, and
after the course. Links to purchase the manual or ebook will be provided upon registration.
If you are completing a blended online course you DO NOT need a book.
If you are attending instructor-led course such as First Aid, CPR AED, you DO NOT
need to purchase a book. If you need any materials for the course you are taking it will be
provided to you on the day of class.
Q. When will I receive my ecard?
A. You will receive it within 24 to 48 hours if not sooner. You can also request to receive it
the same day. Just ask during registration!
Q. Im having trouble activating my online course.
A. Once you've logged in, click on the URL link in your confirmation email. If you are
unable to click on the link, copy/paste the entire URL into your browser. Do not enter the
given link into the keycode box (where it says activate a keycode). Once a keycode is
activated, it cannot be activated again, but rather should be showing up under your "Active Courses."
It is recommended by the AHA that you use Chrome as your browser and that you use a
PC, laptop or tablet (rather than a smartphone). You will need a flash player, and disable pop-up blocker
Thirty & Two cannot assist with technical difficulties including problems with logging onto personal accounts. For AHA eLearning technical assistance
contact elearning.help@heart.org or call 1-888-AHA-8883 (1-888-242-8883) 8am-5pm EST
Q. How can I get continuing education credits?
A. If you completed an online course, you can retrieve the continuing education certificate
via the eLearning website w/this link https://cpr.heart.org/en/resources/faqs/need-to-claim-your-aha continuing education-credits.
For instructor led courses email arikka.anderson@thirtyandtwo.com within 60 days your
class. Thirty & Two will submit your roster to the AHA and you will receive a form to
complete and send in to your accrediting organization.